The main thing from the address:
— Gasoline will be subjected to an additional excise tax;
— The country will undergo a complete restructuring of the national security services and armed forces;
— Control will be established over the transfer of funds out of the country;
— The responsibility for attacks on policemen and other officials will be increased. Salaries of security forces will be raised;
— A special development fund will be organized; major companies will have to pay annual fees to the fund.
— The country’s economic system is inefficient, the main beneficiaries are the oligarchs;
— A five-year moratorium is declared on raising the salaries of deputies and heads of local administrations;
— The National Security Committee could not see the subversive work of bandits and looters. In some towns, KNB officers abandoned their posts, leaving behind classified documents;
— Branches of Russia’s leading technical universities will open in the country;