Vladimir Solovyov distributed through his Telegram channel a message from the channel of the First Deputy Minister of Information of the so-called DPR Daniil Bezsonov. It talked about a successful missile attack by Russian armed forces on a Ukrainian military unit in the town of Gaisin, Vinnytsia region. The message is illustrated with two videos and one photograph.

For some reason, Bezsonov and Solovyov were not embarrassed that trams were visible in the frame, which are not and cannot be in Gaisin, a town with a population of 25,000 people. Moreover, the buildings that were damaged during the impact are quite recognizable: this is the House of Officers and the Yubileiny House of Life on Peremohy Square in Vinnytsia.

After the forgery was discovered by ChTD's Telegram channel, Bezsonov and Solovyov changed the texts of their messages:

However, neither Solovyov, nor Bezsonov, nor anywhere else has any evidence of a hit on Gaisin. But it is known that one of the rockets hit the parking lot near Yubileiny, the fire spread to the building of the public service building, 20 people died , including three children, 50 were injured in serious condition, and 90 people in total sought medical help.

Margarita Simonyan tried to justify the strike on a peaceful city:
“I asked the Defense Ministry where they hit in Vinnitsa. Answer: 'In the House of Officers, there was a temporary accommodation for the Nazis'.
Why it might be necessary to place some “Nazis” in Vinnitsa, a city in the central part of Ukraine, hundreds of kilometers from the war zone, Simonyan did not explain. But the House of Officers, although formally owned by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, continued to work as a concert venue, that is, it actually served as a civilian facility. In particular, on June 12,a concert of rapper Jah Khalib was held there, a concert of singer Khristina Soloviy was planned for July 30, and a concert for singer Arsen Mirzoyan was planned for July 31 .