The mother of a paratrooper from Buryatia who refused to fight in Ukraine said that he could have been taken to a pre-trial detention center in Luhansk

Buryat paratrooper Ilya Kaminsky refused to fight in Ukraine, after which he was probably taken to the pre-trial detention center in Lugansk. This was told by his mother Oksana Plyusnina. Her appeal was published by the head of the Free Buryatia Foundation Alexandra Garmazhapova.

According to Plyusnina, Kaminsky serves in the 11th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade and has been in Ukraine since the very beginning of the war. Starting in April, he wrote several reports asking to be allowed to go home to meet his newborn child, but he did not receive a response to any of them. On July 11, he signed a report refusing to take part in hostilities. Together with him, "a lot of fighters" did the same. This report was also not considered by the command.

After that, their passports and military IDs were taken away from all the soldiers, allegedly in case they were taken prisoner. Then, as Plyusnina said, the military was divided into groups of 8-10 people and sent to SIZO-1 in Lugansk. Now she does not know where her son is, as his phone was taken from him.

“Now there is every kind of inclination to ensure that they refuse their reports and write again consent to participate in hostilities,” Plyusnina said.

According to Free Buryatia, about 500 Buryat contract soldiers have already refused to fight in Ukraine, terminated the contract and were able to return home. Another group of 150 people arrived in the Republic on July 9. According to Garmazhapova, the Buryat military's refusal to fight is motivated not only by fear, but also by a lack of understanding of why they should "denazify" Ukraine.

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