Dmitry Medvedev expressed support for blogger Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin) in connection with the blocking of his YouTube channel and promised to "take revenge." “Hold on, namesake! We will avenge you, ”Medvedev wrote in the comments on Puchkov’s page, he accompanied the text with a winking emoticon.

Puchkov's channel was blocked by video hosting for violating community rules. Puchkov himself said that this is how he is punished for his pro-Russian position. According to him, the American service needs everyone to scold Russia, so the hosting allegedly blocks those who praise it.
Dmitry Puchkov became famous as a film critic and voice actor, but later most of the publicized videos were about his views on current events in the social and political life of Russia and abroad. Those who speak negatively about the Soviet Union, the blogger considers his enemies and enemies of Russia.
“An anti-Soviet is always a Russophobe, and any Russophobe is an enemy of my country,” Puchkov said. Calls himself a patriot-statesman.