The former volunteer of the Smolensk headquarters of Alexei Navalny, Sergei Komandirov, was sent to a colony for six months on charges of justifying terrorism on July 27. He reposted a video in which the trial of representatives of the Russian authorities is played out. After that, Komanirov’s team, together with his new lawyer, discovered that the person who had denounced him and the “specialist” who conducted the linguistic examination were the same person, student Denis Mikheev, already well known to human rights activists.
Komandirov's team notes that Mikheev, by law, did not have the right to do this examination, since he is a person interested in the outcome of the case. However, the commander's first lawyer did not notice that the scammer and the expert were the same person (not only the name and surname, but also the phone number are the same).
For several years, the security forces have been using Mikheev as a pocket expert who writes the conclusions they need, and the court readily accepts these examinations. After years of fruitful joint work between Mikheev and law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Justice recognized the incompetence of the 22-year-old linguist, since he does not have a higher linguistic education, psychological education and certificates of additional professional education in the specialties “Research of products of speech activity” and “Psychological research of information materials”.

The Insider spoke at length about Mikheev in February 2022. He began to inform on people with oppositional views while studying at the 4th year of the Social University (RGSU). Subsequently, he was able to obtain a certificate of a forensic expert. He found extremism in the letter "N", as Navalny's team uses it as a symbol; in the image of two flags – white and black, with the traditional Muslim shahada – evidence of faith; in an exclamation mark published by femactivist and writer Daria Serenko. There were no court decisions that would recognize these symbols as prohibited, but this did not prevent the judges from accepting his examinations without hesitation and sending people to special detention centers.