Belarusian hackers from the Joint Headquarters of Resistance (OShS) attacked the website of Belaruskali, one of the key potash producers in the world and has been under US sanctions since the anniversary of the presidential election. On the main page of the site, a statement was posted on behalf of the representative of the OSh Fidel, a copy of the page remained in the web archive.
As a result of the hack, the hackers obtained documents and other information about the company.
The authors of the statement claim that they decided not to use the Belarusian media as a platform, but to place the statement on the website of the company “about which Lukashenka is worried.”
“ We inform you that on August 1, 2022, the Joint Headquarters of the Resistance (OShS) began to operate in Minsk on the basis of resistance groups. The goal of the OShS is to destroy the bandit regime of A. Lukashenko by force.”
The OShS appealed to activists, employees of state bodies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special services and the army. The text says that the headquarters was formed against the background of the coup d'état carried out by Lukashenka in August 2020. Also in the statement, the OShS claims that neither Russia, nor Europe, nor the United States, nor the opposition will help the Belarusian people, the Belarusians are “left alone” and can only win on their own.
“We will establish people's power ourselves, we will not need to share this power with anyone. Then we will start creating our New Belarus.”

In June, the anonymous Belarusian group “Cyber Partisans” published evidence that all conversations in Belarus were being tapped, even employees of foreign embassies and consulates, including the Russian embassy in Belarus. As evidence, they published records of wiretapping of employees of the Russian embassy for 2020-2021 and calls from citizens to the embassy.