The head of the American public organization Center for Political Innovation (CPI), Caleb Maupin, was immediately accused by several of his subordinates of violence and sexual harassment. The CPI then released a statement announcing that Maupin was being expelled from the organization. Soon the organization announced its dissolution.
The allegation of harassment was published on August 20 on the blogging platform Medium. It says, on behalf of several CPI employees, that Maupin "over the years subjected CPI members to various forms of abuse and exploitation." In particular, it is reported that Maupin excluded from the organization those girls who refused him sex. One of the employees, who was in a very difficult financial situation, he paid money to have sexual intercourse with him.
Maupin, who occasionally reports for Russia Today in America, is also known as the author of the "Anti-Imperialist Conference", which took place in Chicago on August 6, 2022. The conference began with a procession of two members of the CPI with the American flag and the Soviet banner of victory, the International played during their procession. Other members of the organization lined up in front of the stage at this time. In their hands they held the flags of China, the "DPR" and a banner with the letter Z.
The regional representative of the African People's Socialist Party gave a speech about the FBI raid on their offices and the long history of state repression against anti-imperialists. Then, ex-Joe Biden administration official Tara Reid told how the media recoiled on her after she publicly stated that Biden raped her. The discussion ended with a conversation between radio host and former detective Garland Nixon and Marxist-Leninist truck driver Dust James.
Caleb Maupin worked for Russian propaganda not only in Russia Today. In 2020, he published an article about the team of Alexei Navalny in the American edition of The Greanville Post, the article was instantly reprinted by the Russian pro-government media. In the material, Navalny and his entourage were accused of hypocrisy, as they “did not say anything about the numerous violations in the US elections.” In the same place, Maupin writes that "the CIA and other Western intelligence services are using Navalny for their own interests."
“In reality, Western capitalism used the ‘Russian oppositionists’ as ‘useful idiots’ who advocated for the ‘protection of human rights’ in order to pave the way for the IMF and World Bank economic ball ram, which sought to destroy the lives of their fellow citizens. There are many dissidents in Russia, both left and right. Members of the Communist Party occupy seats in the State Duma and have long criticized Putin's actions. The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia also criticizes Putin's policies and also takes seats in the State Duma. Meanwhile, it seems that Navalny's well-conceived political dissent is, in some strange way, serving Wall Street's short-term needs."