Marat Kadyrov, who is accused in a criminal case against the former governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Sergei Furgal, said that he was tortured. This was told by his lawyer Anna Mikhailovskaya in an interview with SOTAvision.
According to her, Kadyrov was tortured because of his refusal to testify against Furgal. Now he is in critical condition. In addition, as Mikhailovskaya said, Kadyrov has a severe progressive oncological disease, but he is not provided with medical assistance. The lawyer stressed that this continues throughout the entire period of detention.
Furgal was detained in July 2020 on charges of two contract killings and one attempted murder 17 years ago. The case was suspended in 2005, but reopened a few months after Furgal defeated the United Russia candidate in the election. After that, mass protests began in the Khabarovsk Territory, which did not subside for several months. Furgal does not admit his guilt.
Kadyrov, according to the investigation, was the perpetrator of crimes in a group allegedly organized by Furgal. Andrey Karepov is called the second performer. In January 2022, he also spoke about mental and physical torture during interrogations. According to him, the security forces threatened to shoot him and said that they were "acting on behalf of Vladimir Putin."