Readovka showed an interview with “a simple Muscovite who wants to fight.” He has an RT employee ribbon around his neck.

The propaganda publication Readovka published on its Telegram channel an interview with “a Muscovite who, after the announcement of mobilization, voluntarily went to the military registration and enlistment office.”

“I had a choice, I could sit at home today and not bathe, but I just wouldn’t forgive myself. I just went to find out right away – if yes, then yes, ”the man says in an interview.

At the same time, the “patriot” has a light green ribbon around his neck with the emblem of the RT propaganda channel, which has been the mouthpiece of the war for many years and has been spreading a lot of fakes, especially about the war in Ukraine. Thus, there are strong doubts that the Readovka correspondent is talking to "a simple Muscovite from the street." Most likely, the propagandist in the frame decided to help his colleague a little in creating another fake (he is not the first time).

The Insider found a man with a similar appearance named Pavel Sokolov. On his VK page, Sokolov indicated Mercator, a department at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company that makes infographics, as his place of work. The VGTRK holding includes such propaganda TV channels as Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24,, etc.

Recall that on September 21, Vladimir Putin announced mobilization in Russia. First of all, 300,000 reserve soldiers will be called up for the war with Ukraine. After the announcement of the corresponding decree by the president, the first summons to the military enlistment office began to come to the Russians, and anti-war movements announced an all-Russian protest action.

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