The head of the Russian Council for Human Rights, Valery Fadeev, on September 25 supported the idea of increasing the military age for those who received Russian citizenship. According to the current legislation, Russian repatriates over 27 years old are not subject to conscription into the army, the HRC proposed to raise this age to 45-50 years. At the same time, Fadeev referred to the experience of Israel:
But, for example, in Israel, where some of our citizens have now rushed, a repatriate is given a period of 1 year to settle in a new place, after which he is drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, regardless of age. I believe that similar mechanisms can be introduced in our country.

Fadeev's statement is not even close to the truth, which was immediately noticed by the Israeli media. The website of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) published information for new immigrants, including in Russian. Only young people and girls under 28 are drafted into the army. And even they are exempted from service if they have at least one child. Married women of any age are also not subject to conscription.
In addition, those who want to study for a bachelor's degree can get a deferment.