In Makhachkala, journalist Yulia Vishnevetskaya was arrested for five days for covering anti-mobilization rallies in Dagestan. She was found guilty under the article on violation of the rules of participation in the action.
According to Yulia's friends, a lawyer was not allowed to see her for about a day. Several other journalists were detained along with her.
After the start of mobilization in Russia, protest rallies began. Many of them took place in Dagestan. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky even addressed its residents separately:
“We see that people, in particular in Dagestan, have begun to fight for their lives. We see that they are beginning to understand that this is a matter of life. Why should their husbands, brothers, sons die in this war? In a war that one man wants. In a war against our people, on our land. He does not send his children to war. Fight so that your children are not sent to their deaths.”