Over the weekend, cameras with a face recognition system identified 12 people who are evading mobilization. This was reported by the Telegram channel "Caution, Moscow". In most cases, the cameras went off in the entrances of residential buildings. This happened in the areas of Preobrazhenskoye, Veshnyaki, Perovo, Novogireevo, Pechatniki, Tekstilshchiki, Kapotnya, Golyanovo and Bogorodskoye. The police checked apartments, interviewed relatives; some men who evade mobilization were taken to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military registration and enlistment offices.
Recall that on September 21, Vladimir Putin announced a "partial" mobilization. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, "about 300,000 reservists" will be mobilized. But the agendas are handed out indiscriminately.
On September 29, the police handed a summons to a 39-year-old resident of Moscow at the MFC in Lefortovo when he came by appointment to pick up his passport. Earlier, Forbes reported, citing an employee of one of the MFCs in Moscow, that employees received an unspoken order to issue subpoenas to all men from 20 to 34 years old who come for a passport.
Even the dead are called. In St. Petersburg, the police came to a local resident and handed a summons to the draft board addressed to her uncle, who died nine years ago. In Buryatia, they tried to call for war a man who died two years ago.
On September 26, a student with a whole range of diseases was mobilized in the Chelyabinsk region: pancreatitis, rhinitis, prostatitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.