Russians will be able to sign up as volunteers for the war in Ukraine through the website of the State Service. This was reported by the state agency RIA Novosti.
Information on the portal clarifies that only citizens who meet certain requirements are subject to conscription. Among other things, the categories "good" (A), good with minor restrictions (B) and limited good (C) are indicated. At the same time, cases have already been recorded when, within the framework of “partial” mobilization in Russia, they are called up with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, as well as a set of diseases: pancreatitis, rhinitis, prostatitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

On September 21, Putin announced a "partial" mobilization, after which Shoigu promised to mobilize "about 300,000 reservists." However, agendas are handed out to almost everyone in a row, without checking the relevance of the data. For example, in St. Petersburg, the police gave a local resident a summons to the draft board addressed to her uncle, who died nine years ago. Read more about such cases in The Insider .