In the Vremya program, host Vitaly Eliseev talks about the economic situation in the EU:
“Fuel consumption is falling because it is expensive, then the volume of production is falling, there are fewer goods, prices are rising. And – to the beginning of the chain: fuel is expensive, winter is getting closer, which means that consumption will fall even more. Continue with all stops.
Further, correspondent Ivan Blagoy, the author of a sensational fake about a Berlin schoolgirl of Russian origin, allegedly kidnapped and raped by migrants, reports on a protest rally in Saxony, the participants of which demanded, among other things, “peace with Russia”, and notes:
“In the former lands of the GDR, the United States is considered the main responsible for a new round of confrontation between East and West. 43% of respondents polled by the social research institute Forsa are sure of this; while in the west of Germany only 17% blame Washington.”

The fall in industrial production in the EU exists only in the overheated imagination of the propagandists from Channel One. Here are the September data from Eurostat; however, they reflect only the period up to the end of July; there is no information about the subsequent months yet.

As you can see, a sharp drop in production was observed in the first half of 2020 due to the pandemic, after which the indicators quickly returned to the previous level. The dependence of the volume of production on the energy crisis provoked by Russia is not traced.

A survey about the perpetrators of the new round of confrontation, which Blagoy talks about, really showed that the inhabitants of the former GDR sympathize with Russia to a greater extent than the inhabitants of the western lands. 43% of East Germans blamed the United States for the aggravation of relations, 34% – Russia. In the west of the country, 52% considered Russia the main culprit, 17% – the United States.
Here are just the results of this survey were published on February 3, that is, before the start of hostilities in Ukraine. How Germans feel about Russia now can be judged from a survey, the results of which were published on October 2 by Bild : in the western lands, sanctions against Russia are considered excessive by 26% of respondents, in the eastern lands – by 35%.
The party responsible for unleashing the war, according to information published in June by the ZDF television channel, Russia was named by 66% of German residents.

57% of the Germans at the same time spoke in favor of breaking off economic relations with Russia, despite the already noticeable rise in the price of energy carriers that had already happened then. 45% were in favor of ending cultural contacts, and 39% were even in favor of severing diplomatic relations.