In response to massive Russian shelling on October 10, Ukrainians began to actively transfer money to help the Ukrainian military. Over 200 million hryvnias were donated to the foundation of TV presenter Serhiy Prytula and activist Serhiy Sternenko in seven hours for RAM II UAV kamikaze drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They announced a muster after the morning shelling. Prytula wrote about this in his Telegram channel.
“Why did we decide to raise funds for RAM II kamikaze drones? Last week, we organized a trip of specialists of a narrow profile to one of the sectors of the front, where reconnaissance of a friendly brigade gave several targets of choice. They chose to defeat the enemy anti-aircraft missile system "Osa". Particularly humiliating [for the enemy] is the fact that the mentioned air defense system is just sharpened to shoot down air targets. Now this "Wasp" will no longer sting either our drones, or our UAVs, or our helicopters. Therefore, we need such drones. So that both equipment and manpower would burn in the fire of "cotton"! At this moment, in 7 hours of collection, together with Sergey Sternenko, we have already collected more than 206 million hryvnia <more than $5.5 ml> . And we don't stop! Apparently, not only drones will come out of this collection, but also … ”, the message says.
According to activist Sternenko, Ukrainians donated the first million in seven minutes. The first 10 million were collected in 20 minutes.
On the morning of October 10, Russia launched a massive shelling of Ukraine. Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar, citing the General Staff, said that 83 missiles were fired at cities, 43 of them shot down air defense systems. One of the rockets exploded at the intersection of Volodymyrska Street and Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, close to the buildings of the Kyiv National Shevchenko University and the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. Due to the rocket hit in the Taras Shevchenko Park , the buildings of the scientific library and the museum of Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko, the Shevchenko museum, and residential buildings were damaged. Also, the blow fell on the pedestrian bridge on Vladimirsky Spusk, known as the "Klitschko Bridge". In addition, the 101 Tower business center in the Shevchenko district was hit by shelling. CHP-3 is located next to it.
As a result of Russian shelling, 11 people were killed and 87 were injured.