In Russia, men have begun to receive subpoenas stating that they need to come to the draft board next spring. Telegram channel "We can explain" became aware of three such cases.
The first one happened to a 28-year-old from Nizhny Novgorod, who has a mobilization reservation for IT employees. His acquaintance told the channel that the man was serving in the army with an “A” category of service, went to the military registration and enlistment office and received a summons there as early as March 30, 2023.
The second case occurred in the Novgorod region. There, an administrative officer with a category “B” on his military ID (“limited fit”) came to the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda. He was told to come in March next year and promised to send a summons to work.
The third case occurred with a resident of Moscow. At the military registration and enlistment office, he was told that "they would be called up for the second wave of mobilization after the New Year."
Earlier, the authorities of the Kursk and Rostov regions announced the start of the second stage of mobilization in the regions. According to Rostov Governor Vasily Golubev, the region has received a "new mobilization task." The press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, however, denies that a new wave of mobilization has begun in Russia. And the State Duma said that mobilization is "a continuous process, it is not divided into any stages."
After that, the media began to talk about "additional recruitment". So, in Buryatia, they said that in the region "planned work is underway on a small additional recruitment of mobilized", and "the task of mobilization is determined by the number of those registered with the military."
Experts who spoke to The Insider emphasized that President Vladimir Putin's decree on "partial mobilization" is so vague that anyone can be caught and sent to the front at any time. So, for example, at the very beginning of the mobilization, Putin stated that those who were in reserve would be called up, but the document itself does not contain any criteria and everyone is called up for war.