Employees are leaving the Moscow government en masse – Roman Super

Employees are leaving the government of Moscow en masse. This was reported by journalist Roman Super in the Telegram channel, citing sources in the government.

“Well-wishers from the Moscow Government report: “We have a mass exodus – employees leave, leaving notes in the bedside tables. IT people, advertisers, marketers, PR people, and ordinary civil servants. A real mass exodus."

On October 13, it became known that an official who headed one of the departments in the Moscow government, 28-year-old Alexei Martynov, died in Ukraine. This was stated by the deputy editor-in-chief of the propaganda RT Natalya Loseva. According to her, Martynov was mobilized on September 23, despite the lack of combat experience. He died more than two weeks later, on October 10.

The Insider reported that in October, police again launched raids in Russian cities to serve subpoenas to men who meet the "partial" mobilization criteria. Photos and videos appeared on the network in which employees stop men at metro stations in Moscow, guard them near the entrances to the residential complex in St. Petersburg. Also, law enforcement officers in some cities “comb” shopping centers and take even the homeless to military registration and enlistment offices. Senator, head of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrei Klishas said that such delivery of subpoenas on the street is illegal. He explained that no legal restrictions on the rights of citizens in the country were introduced, freedom of movement is in full force.

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