The police came to the Mitinsky radio market in Moscow. According to the Telegram channel "Caution, news", the police are detaining market sellers and taking them to the Mitino police station. Foreigners are asked for a patent for entrepreneurial activity, and citizens of the Russian Federation are issued subpoenas. Eyewitnesses said that many employees of the market, seeing the police, fled.

On October 14, it became known that policemen in Russian cities were once again rounding up to hand over subpoenas to men. Police officers stop men at metro stations in Moscow. Subway passengers spoke about serving subpoenas at the Botanichesky Sad, Alekseevskaya, Novokosino, Shchyolkovskaya and other stations. The police are also on duty near the entrances to the residential complex, “combing” shopping centers. The Insider has collected some cases of illegal raids on Russians.
The State Duma called the distribution of summonses near the metro a provocation. Viktor Sobolev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, stated this to the publication Podyom. At the same time, he condemned the pace of mobilization in the capital.
“This should be distributed officially from the military registration and enlistment office to those people who served and have a military registration specialty. But Moscow, although it was given a meager plan, fulfilled [it] by 50%. This is how rotten she turned out to be. But it shouldn’t be like that, it’s as if they are doing it on purpose to sow panic. So many people have already left Moscow. Moscow is not the best in this respect. But no one should hand out summonses at the subway. How will they determine what kind of person it is? It's funny. This is some kind of provocation 100%. Of course, we will discuss the situation at the committee,” Sobolev said.
Information about raids in Russian cities as part of the mobilization announced by Putin appeared earlier. A few days ago, in Moscow, the police began to walk around the hostels and look for men suitable for mobilization. “Kholod” learned that the police took men from hostels to mobilization points, the men were not given their passports until they signed the summons.
On October 9, activists of the “Food Not Bombs” project reported that the police were conducting raids on the homeless in Moscow, after which they were issued subpoenas and taken to the military registration and enlistment offices.