One of those present at the training ground in Belgorod during the execution by some mobilized others told the Astra Telegram channel that the cause of the conflict could be religious – shortly before the incident, Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Lapin said that Allah is a coward, since he does not allow Muslims to fight for a country where you took an oath. The authors of the material emphasize that at the time of publication they were unable to independently confirm the identity of either the narrator himself or the identity of other persons appearing in the story.
“It all started with the fact that some of our soldiers — a Dagestani, an Azerbaijani and an Adyghe — said that “this is not our war” and tried to write a report that they did not want to serve anymore. Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Lapin, when he learned this through the company commander, he gathered everyone and began to say that “this is a holy war,” says the narrator, whose name is not called for his safety.
According to the interlocutor, hearing about the "holy war", the Muslims were indignant, since this concept "means a war between Muslims and infidels." Then Lapin called Allah a coward. This was the main reason for the further conflict, the narrator says, many were taken aback when they heard such a statement from the lieutenant colonel.
Within an hour and a half, everyone was sent to the shooting range, three natives of Tajikistan deployed their machine guns and shot Lapin, who died on the spot. They then opened fire indiscriminately. According to the narrator, he saw 30 dead, including Lapin. Two shooters were also killed, the third managed to escape. The military man also calls their names – Bikzot, Anush, and junior sergeant Ami. The last one managed to escape.
The military also notes that those who opened fire were ardent supporters of their faith and repeatedly cursed with the command for not being allowed to pray on time and for not being allocated a prayer room.