The Lithuanian Migration Department is investigating the dual citizenship case of businessman Adolfos Kaminskas. Kaminskas is the husband of Elena Kaminskas (Shebunova), the mother of the children of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. LRT writes about it.
Migration Department spokesman Rokas Pukinskas said that Kaminskas did not report dual citizenship to the agency within six months of the law. If it turns out that he illegally retained Lithuanian citizenship after receiving a Russian one, a businessman, as well as his minors and adopted children, he will be deprived of it.
According to Lithuanian law, dual citizenship is allowed only in exceptional cases. For example, if a person was deported from occupied Lithuania before March 11, 1990 and acquired the citizenship of another state.
According to Pukinskas, the notification was sent to Kaminskas on Monday. The basis for this was two investigations: The Insider and Siena / OCCRP, as well as the LRT investigation. The first says that Kaminskas dramatically increased his capital after marrying Shebunova. In the LRT investigation, it turns out that Shoigu's illegitimate daughter received Lithuanian citizenship in 2019.