Citizens of Russia, who are subject to mobilization for the war with Ukraine, have ceased to be released from Belarus. Information about this appeared in the Baza Telegram channel. Only on Friday, October 21, 11 men were removed from flights at airports.

The channel publishes the story of 23-year-old Gleb, a resident of St. Petersburg (RF), who tried several times to leave the country, but was detained. At first, he was not allowed to cross the border at Domodedovo Airport when he tried to fly to Dubai. Then they took him off the bus that was going to Belarus – the border guards told Gleb that he was on the lists and could not leave the country.
He managed to get into the territory of Belarus and get to Minsk, from where he had a scheduled flight to Turkey. However, Gleb was detained again, and he never got on the plane.
According to the "Base", the border guard officer referred to paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on ensuring the rights of citizens to freedom of movement – and forbade Gleb to leave. Channel sources said that restrictions on the exit of Russians from the territory of Belarus began to operate only from October 20.