In Ivanovo, law enforcers staged mass raids on men of military age

In the city of Ivanovo, the police round up men of military age. They are given orders. Telegram channel “Local. Ivanovo publishes videos of traffic police officers stopping cars, police ambushing mall exits and grocery stores.

According to the publication "7×7", in Kineshma, Ivanovo region, summonses were also issued to male motorists. The documents were issued by the military registration and enlistment office with the assistance of the traffic police.

Residents of the city report that the police stop men to serve subpoenas at the checkpoints of large enterprises after a work shift. The Telegram channel Sota publishes an order according to which the police are conducting raids in Ivanovo today.

In mid-October, it became known that in Russian cities the police were once again raiding men in order to hand them subpoenas. Police officers stop men at metro stations in Moscow. Also, the police are on duty near the entrances to the residential complex, "combing" shopping centers and markets. The Insider has collected some cases of illegal raids on Russians.

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