Journalist Yevgenia Baltatarova was detained in Almaty while trying to fly to Bishkek. A criminal case has been initiated against her in Russia under article 207.3 “on fakes”. The journalist announced this in her Telegram channel. She managed to write that she was "arrested, taken to a temporary detention facility."
According to Baltatarova, her passport was confiscated at the customs checkpoint, then removed from the flight and detained. She now has a ban on leaving Kazakhstan, but on what basis is not yet clear. Baltatarova also published the decision of the Investigative Committee to initiate a criminal case, as well as the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Ulan-Ude of the Republic of Buryatia to put the journalist on the wanted list.
The reason for the criminal case was Baltatarova's anti-war publications in social networks. In particular, a link to a tweet by Maxim Katz, beginning with the words “What a horror. They dropped an aerial bomb on the drama theater in Mariupol, and children were hiding there.” The second episode of the case is the publications about the murders in Bucha.
Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, Marat Akhmetzhanov, stated that Kazakhstan would not extradite those wanted to Russia for evading the mobilization of citizens. But he noted that this is possible only if they are put on the international wanted list. He did not report on the extradition of Russian citizens wanted for anti-war publications.