In Russia, the recruitment of volunteers to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has begun, it is organized by the Civil Council

The Civil Council, consisting of leaders of social movements from 9 Russian regions, announced the creation of a Mobilization Technical Center for Russians who want to volunteer for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Fundraising for training and providing everything necessary for 200 volunteers has now begun. Professional training will be conducted with the assistance of the command of the armed forces of Ukraine and the Russian Volunteer Corps.

According to a press release from the organization, which is at the disposal of The Insider, now every Russian "can take part in the fight against Putin and his mafia."

“The mobilization center is the first result of our work, which we present publicly and around which we propose to consolidate the civil resistance of Russians who are aware that power in Russia has been usurped and illegally held by force,” explains Denis Sokolov, a member of the Civil Council.

The Council notes that it is guided in its activities by the declarations of human rights of the UN and the Council of Europe.

In an interview with The Insider, Denis Sokolov noted that volunteers and their relatives will be provided with legal protection and assistance in exporting from Russia, and their names will appear on very limited lists.

“They should not speak publicly and be recorded in some stories. There is information in law enforcement agencies that they are being tested.” He noted that the Council would protect them from persecution in Russia, including charges of treason.

“From our point of view, it is the regime that commits treason. We do not have a point for negotiations, so protection must be absolute, ”Sokolov added.

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