Acting head of the so-called DPR Denis Pushilin said that Ukraine and Russia would exchange prisoners according to the formula 107 for 107. He wrote about this in the Telegram channel. The Ukrainian authorities have not yet commented on the information.
“Today we are returning 107 of our fighters from Ukrainian dungeons. We give Ukraine the same number of prisoners, mostly Veseushniks again. Of the total number of those released, 65 people are from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics,” Pushilin writes.
On October 29, Ukraine and Russia exchanged prisoners, initially the Russian Ministry of Defense and the office of Vladimir Zelensky reported that they had returned 50 people each. However, later Channel One TV presenter Anastasia Kashevarova published 52 names of prisoners of war. On October 26, another 10 servicemen returned to Ukraine, including one officer, 9 privates and sergeants, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak reported.
On October 11, Ukraine, as part of an exchange with Russia , received 62 bodies of Ukrainian soldiers, including those who died as a result of an attack on the Yelenovka colony. Then Russia did not report the results of the exchange and how many bodies were returned to the country.