Coronavirus in the morning<strong> November 6 </strong>(data from…

Coronavirus in the morning November 6 (data from Hopkins University)

passed away 6 600 100 person / identified 632 423 303 infections

1. ?? US 1,072,582 / 97,734,261
2. ?? Brazil 688 332 / 34 849 063
3. ?? India 530,486 / 44,659,447
4. ?? Russia 382 644 / 21 154 149
5. ?? Mexico 330,424 / 7,113,658
6. ?? Peru 217,062 / 4,159,951
7. ?? Britain 210,680 / 24,155,154
8. ?? Italy 179 436 / 23 642 011
9. ?? Indonesia 158,807 / 6,517,630
10. ?? France 158,317 / 37,140,238

RIA Novosti (@rian_ru)

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