Meet our weekly selection of all the most…

Meet our weekly selection of all the most interesting things that happened with our friends and partners!

? 5 years old project “Siberia. Realities“. Congratulations to colleagues, subscribe to them to be aware of what is really happening in Russia from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean.

? “New tab» tells the story of Father Sergiuswho builds a mobile temple on the territory of a tank school and crowns and baptizes those who go to the war zone in Ukraine.

? “South» published a report on how life has changed in Anapa with the arrival of people forcibly relocated from Kherson

? Edition “‘ wrote about how relatives of prisoners of IK-14 in the Novosibirsk region tried to stop sending relatives to war

? “trait» publishes stories of people who committed suicide because of the war

? “eyewitnesses» interviewed political scientist Kirill Rogov about the vague prospects for the degeneration of the regime in Russia

? “Vowel» talked with teacher Tatyana Chervenko about denunciations against her, detention for sabotage of “talks about important things” and resistance to the system

? “People of Baikal‘ tried to figure out the fate of the mobilized from Buryatia, who was taken away on September 22, and already on October 17 a coffin with a body was brought to his relatives

? Project “To be continued» publishes forecast of what awaits the Russians in 2023

? Colta and пообщалandсь с двумя представandтельнandцамand культурных andнandцandатandв о ролand самоорганandзацandй and актandвandзма в подрыве status quo в Россandand, нехватке солandдарностand and необходandмостand возвращать удовольствandе в прогрессandвную полandтandку

? ASTRA пandшет о том, что лагерь для «отказнandков» в Перевальске в Луганской областand был лandквandдandрован после andнформацandонной волны, которую запустandлand журналandсты

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