<em>“For my 45 years of life, or how…</em>

“For my 45 years of life, or how much I don’t know for you … You never learned English? Even at the most basic level? You look funny)).

Blogger Nekoglai responded to Ekaterina Mizulina, who wrote a statement against him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office. And then he deleted his post.

According to Nekoglay, he was not afraid and did not delete the video with a parody of a Russian soldier – the video remained in his TikTok profile. The guy joked about the level of knowledge of English Mizulina. Perhaps Nekoglai had in mind the lyrics of the song Rasputin, under which he shot a remake. Usually videos about “cool Russians” are shot under this track. In a video about a soldier posted by Nekoglai, the following is sung:

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
(A long time ago, a man lived in Russia.
He was big and strong, his eyes were on fire.)

Baza (@bazabazon)

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