It came out on screen weird movie “Golden Neighbors”: filmed before the start of the war and therefore now looking out of place: the heroes of Okhlobystin and Akhedzhakova are friends in it, and in general an idyll reigns – in a St. Petersburg communal apartment.
“Perhaps if the film came out in 2021, it would have been better received. Despite its depressing naivete, Disney fairy tale, and outdated style, it’s not terrible. It could be seen and forgotten. But in 2022, it just seems wrong. Disconnected from everything we know and feel now.
The main idea of the “Golden Neighbors” is that you need to be friends and love those around you, be patient with other people’s weaknesses, and at times step on your ego and act as the majority wants. And now you look: the “son” Shnurov hugs the “mother” Akhedzhakova, and then they all hug together with Okhlobystin – and for a moment it becomes warmer in the soul.
The film was shot until February 2022. Then Akhedzhakova spoke out against the hostilities and expressed sympathy for Ukraine, Shnurova was suspiciously stormy, and Ivan was “goyda!” Okhlobystin wants to imprison everyone who does not agree with him and the government. Mutual understanding, the most important thing in the film, in reality turned out to be impossible.
SOTA (@sotaproject)