<strong>International human rights organization Amnesty International </strong><a href=”https://eurasia.amnesty.org/2022/11/10/nezakonno-peremeshhaya-grazhdanskih-licz-iz-ukrainy-rossiya-sovershila-voennye-prestupleniya-i-po-vsej-vidimosti-prestupleniya-protiv-chelovechnosti-doklad-amnesty-international/”><strong>announced</strong></a><strong>that…</strong>

International human rights organization Amnesty International announcedthat Russia is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during the conflict in Ukraine, including by deporting and “filtering” refugees

Human rights activists spoke with 88 citizens of Ukraine, most of whom are refugees from Mariupol, which was destroyed during the hostilities.

“Many of the movements were forced, as defined by international law, under the threat of coercion. In particular, after Russian forces took over parts of Mariupol in March and April 2022, civilians feared detention by Russian military personnel; they faced extremely difficult living conditions caused by a lack of access to electricity, heating and safe drinking water, primarily as a result of Russia’s aggressive actions. During the occupation of other regions of Ukraine, Russian troops carried out extrajudicial executions, torture and other ill-treatment, and other gross violations, which further exacerbated fear and fear among the inhabitants of Mariupol. As a result, people had no other choice but to run,” the organization’s experts say.

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