In the Oryol region, a conflict between the authorities and local residents flares up over poor-quality uniforms that the authorities buy for the mobilized. The latter complain about torn backpacks, cheap Chinese lanterns from Fix Price, breaking knives and uncomfortable berets. In response, the Oryol governor Andrei Klychkov advised the dissatisfied mobilized to buy equipment themselves, because "you can't please everyone." Earlier, he said that the authorities would not pay a one-time payment of 195 thousand rubles to the mobilized, as they would not be able to buy high-quality uniforms. With the money that could be used for payments, the officials themselves will buy everything they need for the military, Klychkov said. The 7×7 edition drew attention to the conflict.
In support of the mobilized, many began to speak out on social networks. Klychkov's adviser Sergei Lezhnev called such people "commentators with pink asses." He also recommended that people "do not engage in bullshit", but start helping the mobilized themselves, for example, bring stewed meats. Here is his quote in full.
“I don’t want to condemn anyone, I don’t want to give any assessment to these guys. But the people who comment and comment on everything so cleverly, someone stole some tens of millions of budget money, and so on. You know, you pink-assed commentators, stop your bullshit. You have a lot of opportunities to help the guys. And it's time to refuse these commentators and come to help. We have volunteer centers – help distribute food to the families that these guys have left, help collect humanitarian supplies. Yes, just bring a can of stew to the boys, which we will take to the front line tomorrow. And then you will understand, then you will appreciate all this help that the huge rear army of the inhabitants of the Oryol region is doing. Respect all work and do not give anyone an assessment without understanding at all how this system works.
If tomorrow this system says “thank you, we don’t need this”, then I am absolutely sure that all of you commentators with pink asses will sit at home, already commenting that you are against a special military operation. Because at first they were against a special military operation, then you became for it, because you need to support it. You are always against everything, you are always against everything. So stop, and it's time to help. You must understand that tomorrow the boys will go to protect us.”
The response of the official outraged the activist from the association "Citizens of the Eagle" Godimir Orlovsky. He stated that he took responsibility for the land on which those whom Lezhnev offended live, and directly for the people. Therefore, he suggested that the official meet "like men" – in the ring or in the forest.
“I would like to address Sergey Lezhnev personally. Sergey, if you are a man, then let's meet with you as men. If you want to promote yourself – come on in the ring with gloves on, if you just want to be like a man – let's meet one on one in the forest, we will meet. This is not a threat, not blackmail, this is a specifically male proposal. because calling people who live on the land for which I personally took responsibility before my brothers, my relatives, before the people who live on this earth, calling them pink asses is at least unethical, for the most part it is an insult.