In Angarsk, employees of En+ Group, an electric power company, are forced to fill out forms, where they must indicate the names, phone numbers and addresses of all immediate and cousin relatives, as well as their attitude to the “conducting an NWO”. An employee of the company told The Insider about this.

According to him, the forms came with an order from the directorate of the company's CHP branch. The order states that by November 30, all employees of the branch must submit completed questionnaires, as well as that strict records will be kept. The Insider's interlocutor said that anti-terrorist measures are now being carried out in all branches of the En + Group, and the survey is part of them. Other explanations about his goals are not given to employees.
The "anti-terrorist measures" in question, according to The Insider's interlocutor, are related to the war. Within their framework, the company strengthened the inspection at the entrance and exit, and employees were given instructions on what to do if they saw a quadcopter near the territory of the enterprise.
Previously, there were no events in the company related to the discussion of the military position, and the leadership of all levels remained neutral. At the time of this writing, En+ Group has no precedent for being fired for an anti-war stance.