Navalny sent to ShIZO for refusing to clean up cigarette butts and leaves specially scattered in front of him

Another report was written against Alexei Navalny for refusing to clean the exercise yard. This time he refused to remove the cigarette butts, which are specially scattered before his arrival. Alexei's press secretary Kira Yarmysh told The Insider about this. According to her, this is not the first time they have done this: earlier, Navalny was forced to clean the leaves in the yard, although there are no trees nearby, and the yard is covered with a net.

“Leaves are brought before Alexei’s walk in order to force him to clean up under the pretext of a dirty yard. There are no trees nearby, the walking yard is covered with a fine chain-link mesh, that is, the leaves cannot get there in any way. Aleksey refuses to clean up, he is put in a punishment cell.

As we learned yesterday in court, another report was written against Alexei for refusing to clean the exercise yard – this time not leaves, but cigarette butts. Each cell must clean up the yard after itself. Alex doesn't smoke. That is, these cigarette butts were scattered in the yard on purpose before his walk, either by employees or by prisoners whom they forced. Alexey, of course, refused to clean up, they wrote a report on him. Probably, it will also lead to ShIZO.”

Earlier, Navalny was also sent to the ShIZO for refusing to clean the fence. “I am back in the ShIZO. I just spent 12 days there, they give me 14 days again. The reason is that I refused to wash the fence. Well, I get it, painting a fence and feeling like Tom Sawyer is fun. But washing the fence, in my opinion, is complete nonsense, ” says Navalny on Instagram. He was also sent to the ShIZO for "talking about mobilization in court."

Alexei Navalny is serving a sentence in the strict regime penal colony No. 6 in the Vladimir region. He has already been sent to the punishment cell 7 times, he spent a total of 67 days there – since mid-August, Navalny has been in a punishment cell almost all the time. This is a six-meter cell in which the bed is fastened to the wall for a day, and the window does not open, from personal belongings you can take only a toothbrush and soap, Navalny also wrote that he has a book and a mug. They give a spoon and a plate for meals, they even take away prison clothes, in return they give temporary ones with the inscription ShIZO.

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