At the disposal of the editors was a draft secret "Plan for the moral and psychological support of the transfer of the Operational Directorate of the FSO (hereinafter – OU FSO) from peacetime to wartime." This department is a key one in the Kremlin guard and is responsible not only for the security of top officials, but also performs counterintelligence functions within the FSO. The project is divided into four parts:
1) "Activities carried out in direct preparation for transfer to work in a military time",
2) "Measures carried out with the introduction of the degree of combat readiness "Increased",
3) "Measures carried out with the introduction of the degree of combat readiness "Military danger"
4) "Measures carried out with the introduction of the degree of combat readiness" Full ".
In the transitional period to wartime, it is proposed to organize "the implementation of measures for the moral and psychological support of operational activities" of FSO officers and the "preparation of reports on the moral and psychological state of personnel."
In the “Increased combat readiness” part, it is recommended to conduct individual conversations with individual security officers, bringing the internal, international and military-political situation to the personnel of the OU FSO. In addition, there are visits to the Hall of Fame and History of the FSO in the Kremlin and an excursion to the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
The section "Military danger" proposes "promptly informing and explaining the tasks facing the unit and conducting classes in public and state training (at least 1 hour per week)". In the event of a military danger, the evacuation from Moscow of family members of officers of the Kremlin guard is not ruled out. Encouragement and comfort of subordinates was entrusted to the unit commanders and psychologists from the Personnel Department of the FSO.
With the onset of "Full combat readiness" it is necessary to "explain to the personnel the requirements of Russian legislation on responsibility for military crimes, preventing confusion and panic among military personnel and their families." And additionally give examples of the heroism and courage of FSO officers.
The drafters of the plan warn in advance that in the event of a coup, some defenders of the Kremlin may experience: depression, isolation, uncertainty about the correctness of the actions of the authorities, a sense of fear and concern for their lives. Among the response measures, it is proposed to use "counter-suggestion", "counter-persuasion", "seizure of the initiative", "substitution of objects" and conducting confidential conversations with young employees who are prone to neuropsychic instability. The most politically savvy officers of the FSO should be attached to the most unstable ones or sent to the hospital.

The authors from the FSO emphasize that the enemy is cunning and insidious and, first of all, will seek to "decrease the psychological stability of the personnel, their moral disorientation and bringing them to a state of unwillingness to resist." Among the main threats, they name television, radio, print media, social networks on the Internet, books, brochures, flyers and posters. In addition, foreign intelligence agents can involve social movements, non-governmental and religious (pseudo-religious) organizations and reach out to the relatives of FSO officers. Particular emphasis is placed on certain individuals "prepared for the psychological infection of personnel and possessing hypnotic abilities." True, what kind of persons they are and how they can hypnotize and psychologically infect the well-trained Kremlin guards, the document does not specify.
In addition to social networks and hypnosis, as indicated in the plan, the enemy intends to use more sophisticated methods: 1) software and hardware bookmarks containing the functions of creating sound and visual effects, 2) psycho-corrective games, 3) chemical and biological formulations of psychological action, 4) computer psi -viruses and programs of hidden influence on computer operators <electronic computers – The Insider> , 5) psi-generators, 6) low-frequency acoustic generators, 7) advertising products, 8) everyday items in prepared packaging.
The psycho-corrective games mentioned in the secret plan are mainly designed to develop attention and overcome fears in preschool children. For these purposes, child psychologists use dolls of people or animals. How this will look in practice with the participation of foreign intelligence agents and FSO officers is even hard to imagine.
Computer psi-viruses, whatever they may be, can be safely excluded from the methods of psychological influence on personnel. Since, due to the massive visits by Kremlin security officers to foreign porn sites, especially at night, Internet access was limited a few years ago. And the use of cell phones and tablets while on duty in the Kremlin is strictly prohibited.
About the psi-generator , or as it is called the generator of "black matter", the development of which was allegedly carried out in the secret centers of the CIA, was written a lot in the yellow press and more than one generation of lovers of conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific theories got their hands on such publications. In the Soviet Union, work was also underway to create psychological weapons, they invested a lot of money, but because of the meager results, the secret program was closed.
Low-frequency acoustic generators are unlikely to dampen the morale of personnel, as they are used to troubleshoot and repair electronic or electro-acoustic devices. Moreover, it is not clear how foreign agents are going to bring in and install these devices in the Kremlin.
In particular, it remains a mystery what is meant by "prepared packaging" . Wrapping paper that says "drop your weapons and surrender"?

As The Insider found out, FSO Deputy Director Alexander Komov is directly responsible for the implementation of the secret plan, and Reshit Bukharin , an employee of the FSO Personnel Department, prepared the final version. Personnel officer Bukharin is considered a great intellectual in the FSO – he published several scientific works related to the protection of the first persons of the state. For example, " Personal protection of the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (USSR) V. I. Lenin " and " On some problems of the historiography of the protection of the Moscow Kremlin in the period from 1918 to 1941 ".
General Komov is one of the highly classified employees of the FSO and there is very little open information about him. Colleagues behind his back call him the Astrologer, because he is a regular participant in various scientific seminars and discussions on the study of space. For example, last year he took part in the conference "Modern problems of remote sensing of the Earth from space", held by the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Source The Insider at Kremlin Guard reported that the Stargazer General runs a group of freelance advisers that includes astrologers, black magicians and psychics. Some of them were consultants to the head of Yeltsin's personal security Alexander Korzhakov, then the next Yevgeny Murov, and now they give forecasts and advice to the current leadership of the FSO.
In dealing with subordinates, General Komov constantly talks about the intrigues of Western intelligence and urges not to lose vigilance. Meanwhile, his son Nikita goes on vacation to Europe almost every summer and has visited the Principality of Monaco, Germany, Italy and France. The last three countries are known to be members of NATO, so hated by the Kremlin.

As for the OU FSO, for which a plan for the transition to wartime has been prepared, the main tasks of this secret unit include counteracting foreign intelligence services within the Kremlin guard, identifying corruption crimes, embezzlement of budget funds and checking information about the income and real estate of FSO officers. Employees of the department have the authority to carry out covert surveillance of their colleagues, listen to their phones and participate in preliminary interrogations using a lie detector.
As can be seen from the public procurement website, the OU FSO (military unit 38995) purchases Piranha detectors (search and localization of radio transmitting listening devices), Norka-160 portable X-ray television installations (detection of explosive devices), non-linear locators ST 400 Cayman (interception information from mobile phones and SIM cards), etc.

True, most of these devices have foreign microchips, and after the introduction of sanctions against Russia, the issue of their repair and maintenance remains open.
The head of the OU FSO is a native of the 3rd service of the FSB's own security department, General Sergey Kudinov . In 2019, he replaced Nikolai Musinsky, who knew Putin from his work in the Leningrad KGB. As a source in the FSO told The Insider, with the arrival of special officer Kudinov, an active campaign began in the security units to identify unreliable persons, alcoholics and drug addicts: “They grabbed them in the corridors of the Kremlin and immediately took them to a blood and urine test. Then exhausting conversations began, like, do you support the political line pursued by President Putin? Or they demanded an assessment of the subversive activities of Navalny, Yashin, Novaya Gazeta and Ekho Moskvy. According to the same source, several security officers failed the background check and were fired or demoted.
According to The Insider, even more stringent requirements for political loyalty are imposed on the Presidential Security Service (SBP) and the Office of Personal Protection (ULO). Bodyguards from the SBP have direct contacts with Putin, and ULO officers are on duty with sniper rifles on rooftops during his street events.