#advertising_on_layout War is destroying lives and families, and…

War is destroying lives and families, and it’s getting harder to watch as it unfolds. It not only brought new problems, but also exacerbated those that existed before – nationalism, the cruelty of society, social inequality. These are the issues that the new media is talking about. Equality. It covers the lives of people on both sides of the border, writes about everyday life under shelling, about how the rights of ordinary citizens are violated and how they fight for them.

How can you make money by killing people in war, and can you live on this money?
What to do a person with a disability, if he received a summons?
How help animals in Ukraine?
What do women to be safe?
Why do we need nuclear weapons and can we give them up?

All this is in the texts of our colleagues from Equality.

Layout (@svobodnieslova)

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