The military of the Russian Guard cannot receive dismissals due to "incomplete" mobilization. This was reported by the Telegram channel "Military Ombudsman".
He published a letter from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, stating that those who serve under the contract, including those whose contract has expired, have no grounds for dismissal. This is due to the fact that Vladimir Putin's decree on "partial" mobilization has not been suspended. The “Military Ombudsman” emphasizes that in this case only those whose contract ended before September 21 will be able to resign through the courts.

Director of the human rights group “Citizen. Army. Right,” Sergey Krivenko confirmed to The Insider that the mobilization really cannot be considered completed without Putin signing the corresponding decree: “Yes, absolutely right. Until paragraph 4 of the presidential decree of September 21 is canceled, dismissal is impossible at the end of the contracts. And yes, theoretically, dismissal under contracts that ended before this date can be challenged in court.
Earlier, Putin, commenting on the absence of a decree on the completion of mobilization, said: “I will talk with lawyers, I didn’t even think about it, whether it is necessary to announce by decree that it is completed. But it is completed, the point is set.