Novoshakhtinsky TV channel (Rostov region) released a story…

Novoshakhtinsky TV channel (Rostov region) released a story about a detachment of Yunarmiya members at a local school: in the report, third-graders wave flags and sing along to Oleg Gazmanov’s song “Forward, Russia!”.

Some of the younger students are crying because their relatives went to fight in Ukraine and are not returning. Others complain that their fathers, who also went to war, do not get in touch for several days.

“Tears in the eyes of third graders is a good reaction to what is happening. This means that they feel and understand what time they live in, ”the TV presenters say.

Novoshakhtinsk, we recall, almost every year gets into the anti-ratings of Russian cities: in different years it was included in the rating of the most dirty and uncomfortable settlements for life.

SOTA (@sotaproject)

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