Colleagues from We Can Explain told Sota that…

Colleagues from We Can Explain told Sota that they also received announcement stock on Red Square on behalf of the “Council of Mothers and Wives”.

The official leader of the “Soviet” Olga Tsukanova at the same time assured, that this was a “set-up” on behalf of her organization, which does not call for illegal events, however, the informant assured that she was in a chat with Tsukanova, where the action was nevertheless discussed.

Скриншоты якобы из этого чата получала и «Сота», однако приславшая их «Аня» (Сабина) не смогла подтвердить их подлинность, а другой источник информации об stock, «Татьяна», как мы уже писали, оказалась неким Никитой Прониным (на фото из мессенджера).

The Krasnodar activists interviewed by Sota also deny that there are 80 women in the region who would be going to the capital and, in principle, could do this without attracting the attention of the FSB and without being first invited to a reception with the governor.

SOTA (@sotaproject)

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