<em>”I want strong male arms … and the…</em>

“I want strong male arms … and the fifth breast size”.

A very strange doll in a wedding dress, with a spy camera and a note, was found by a Muscovite near her apartment.

Such an unpleasant crypt was waiting for Agnia at the entrance to Rustaveli Street. Someone put a doll on the windowsill, pointing straight at the woman’s apartment, and next to it attached a note: “I want strong male hands! And also a car, an apartment, a housekeeper, new shoes and a fifth breast size! Take me away, I ask so little.”

Also next to the doll was a bottle of wine. At the same time, as the neighbors said, at first it was full, and after about an hour someone emptied it. In addition, the woman noticed a camera and a device with a sound recording sensor near this strange installation.

To deal with the message, Agnia even called the police. But the police officers who arrived did not find any spy gadgets or anything else suspicious.

Baza (@bazabazon)

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