<a href=”https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2022/11/29/952550-mvd-predupredilo-o-riskah-nehvatki-printerov-dlya-pechati-pasportov?from=newsline”>Vedomosti</a>: Ministry of Internal Affairs warns of…

Vedomosti: Ministry of Internal Affairs warns of problems with printing internal passports. Russia cannot buy printers for them

According to the department, now the equipment is enough for a year of work, and then interruptions in the issuance of documents may begin.

“Matrix printers, historically, are not produced in Russia. Given the introduction of new sanctions, we theoretically cannot even buy new ones, ”said Yury Voynov, head of the Department of Information Technology, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also called on domestic manufacturers to provide a Russian analogue of dot matrix printers: “If you provide us with printers that meet clear and understandable requirements, then we will really buy them and are ready to order these volumes.”

SOTA (@sotaproject)

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