The “successful entrepreneur” took money from acquaintances for…

The “successful entrepreneur” took money from acquaintances for several years and promised them a lot of profits with the help of robots that play win-win on the stock exchange. In fact, he gave all the money to the broker, who bought his wife a jeep.

Ksenia met Danila Rybalchenko during a personal growth training back in 2019. Gradually, a chat community was formed in WhatsApp, where participants shared among themselves the techniques of “successful success”. Rybalchenko spoke about his unprecedented income, which provides him with robots playing on the stock exchange. They supposedly cannot be wrong, so they make him rich.

Xenia also decided to trust the robots. More precisely – Rybalchenko. At the beginning of 2020, the girl gave him 2 million 400 thousand rubles – Danila was not interested in small money, so he only accepted large amounts. Ksenia received her interest only once, and then the coronavirus broke out, and Rybalchenko fell down. He not only did not pay interest, but simply refused to return the money. Each time the man had a new problem.

Under pressure from the public (not only Ksenia gave him money), the man admitted that the same unmistakable robot was his friend Oleg Sinyushkin. Ordinary leather investor. Having received money from Rybalchenko, Sinyushkin invested it in the purchase of a Range Rover, which he prudently wrote down to his wife. Ksenia tried in various ways to get her money back, but in the end she did not achieve anything and went to the police with a statement about fraud.

Baza (@bazabazon)

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