The administrator of Pyaterochka in Moscow cleared the…

The administrator of Pyaterochka in Moscow cleared the cash register for 2 million rubles in two months.

Valentina joined the company in 2018. But the craving for luxury haunted her all her life. The woman sat out all the cashiers, endured all the rudeness, and finally rose to the top position of a supermarket in Novo-Peredelkino. Knowing the whole system from the inside, Valentina decided on an unprecedented impudence and for the first time in her life committed a crime – she carried out a cash collection outside the schedule. That is fictitious. I took 400k wooden ones with me.

It would seem a little more – and straight to paradise … But there was a mistake in the plan, reliable as a Swiss watch. Applications for collection appeared, but the money did not. When the authorities noticed an inconsistency, Valentina, who got a taste, was quickly caught. From September to November, she took out 1,903,500 rubles. The police are checking.

Mash (@breakingmash)

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