<strong>Single mothers who lost their sons due to…</strong>

Single mothers who lost their sons due to the war are forced to sue biological fathers for “coffin”

By law, if a serviceman dies and has no wife or children left, the parents can equally receive the payments that were due to him. Because of this, situations arise when fathers who have long left their families and did not take care of their sons, after their death, claim money.

He did not even know that his son was in high school. I did not know that he served in the army in Kaliningrad, did not go to him for an oath. He shouted in court, proving that he had communicated with his son. But how did he communicate with him, if he did not even know that his son served in the army?»

Рассказываем, как три матери-одиночки не смогли отсудить у биологических отцов “гробовые» и почему суд встал на сторону мужчин.

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