The German government recognized the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people

The German parliament (Bundestag) supported a resolution recognizing the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. It is reported that deputies from the Left Party and the far-right Alternative for Germany did not take part in the vote.

“Mass starvation was not the result of crop failure, but was the responsibility of the political leadership of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. <…>

Already in the winter of 1931/1932, hundreds of thousands of people died of malnutrition in the villages. Despite this, forcible requisitions of crops continued. Starvation was used as an additional punishment, and in case of non-fulfillment of the required volumes of supply, a multiple amount of grain and other products was required and confiscated. The affected areas were cordoned off to prevent the famine from escaping to the cities and to prevent the delivery of food to the regions, ”the Bundestag website says.

In October, the occupying authorities of Mariupol dismantled the memorial to the Victims of the Holodomor, erected in the center of the city 18 years ago, saying that Ukraine was the least affected by the famine.

“We are not demolishing a monument, but a symbol of political disinformation… While teaching the history of Ukraine, the idea of ​​‘genocide’ and ‘Holodomor’ was imposed on us… Nobody in the textbooks and none of the teachers described what really happened. Unfortunately, all this was hidden not only from schoolchildren, but also from their parents,” said Yevgenia Krotova, a representative of the central headquarters of the Young Republic NGO.

According to various sources, in 1932-1933 from 2.2 to 3.9 million Ukrainians died of starvation. In 2006, the law of Ukraine recognized the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Among other countries that officially recognize the Holodomor in Ukraine are the United States, Canada, Australia, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil and others.

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