The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has published a single list of “foreign agents” instead of three separate ones – for the media, individuals and NGOs

A unified register of “foreign agents” has been published on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which was introduced instead of three separate lists – for the media, individuals and NGOs. It is published in pdf format and currently contains 493 paragraphs.

At the same time, the list includes those people and projects that were excluded from the registers of “foreign agents”. In such cases, the exclusion date is indicated. The list also contains the date of recognition as a "foreign agent" and the grounds for inclusion – references to federal laws.

In addition, the registry contains the dates of birth of people included in the list of individuals. In the case of the media, media and human rights projects, links to the website, social networks and other Internet resources have been added. The founders of unregistered public associations recognized as "foreign agents" are also indicated.

From today, a law comes into force that allows to recognize as "foreign agents" persons who do not have foreign funding.

According to this document, any Russian or foreign organizations or individuals can be recognized as "foreign agents" if they receive foreign support or are under foreign influence, and also conduct political activities, or collect information about Russia's military-technical activities, which "can be used against the security of the country." This document also introduces a register of those who are “affiliated” with “foreign agents”.

Also on December 1, new rules will come into force, which should guide "foreign agents" when publishing materials.

Now "foreign agents" must place at the beginning of messages large dice on a contrasting background with text that begins with the words "Real material / information." The name (media – "foreign agent") or full name (individual – "foreign agent") must be indicated.

As noted in the document, the indication "foreign agent" should be placed in Russian at the beginning of each text material under the heading or immediately before the beginning if there is no heading. The font size of the indication should be twice the size of the font of the material itself, and the color should be contrasting with the background on which it is placed.

In video, the plate must be placed in the center so that it occupies at least 20% of the screen size. The duration of the demonstration of a text instruction in the video must be at least 15 seconds. In the audio material, the text of the instruction should be voiced, and its volume should not be lower than the volume of the material. It is forbidden to speed up the pronunciation of the message about "foreign agents" in sound and video files.

The textual indication of "foreign agent" should be played in the audio and video at the beginning and each time the broadcast of such materials is resumed after they are interrupted (most likely this is an interruption for advertising).

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