<strong>Leyla Gireyeva, who fled from her family in…</strong>

Leyla Gireyeva, who fled from her family in Ingushetia, filed a complaint with the police about regular violence from her parents, informs SK SOS

On December 1, Gireeva filed an application with a request to protect herself from relatives who had committed violence against her and wrote a false statement about the theft in order to return her runaway daughter home. She told her lawyer that her parents beat her when they “were in the mood”, pulling her hair, punching her in the face, head and back for not attending school because she felt unwell or for “improperly performing household chores”. “.

In addition, Gireeva was taken to the imam in order to expel the “genie”, this is how she describes this experience: “My parents said that they should have killed me, but since they had already spent 18 years on me, they should try to get the “genie” out. The imam pressed hard on the organs and beat with a stick. He said that if it hurts me, then it hurts the genie.

In the decision to initiate a criminal case against the girl, her mother announced the theft of gold jewelry in the amount of 275 thousand rubles, and, according to Gireeva herself, she had previously threatened to return her home “by all means”, including accusing her of theft in the amount of at 250 thousand rubles.

SOTA (@sotaproject)

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