In Lithuania, the railway tank car of the JSC "Ukrainian Railway" was again noticed, which Russia "confiscated" in Ukraine. According to the Telegram channel “Live. Community of Railway Workers of Belarus”, this is a tank car that was not allowed into Lithuania from Belarus on November 8 because of the Z symbol. The cargo (fertilizers or fertilizer components) was sent by a Russian company to Lithuania through Belarus, the Lithuanian customs reported . Lithuanian customs officials said they would not let the cargo with the symbol of Russian aggression through, and returned the tank.
After the incident, the symbol was painted over, and the tanker was re-sent to Lithuania, where it was let through, and on November 12, the cargo arrived at the Kyan railway border checkpoint.

This tank car, confiscated from Ukraine in favor of Russia, before applying the Z-symbols, more than once calmly passed through the Lithuanian border along the same route and with a similar cargo without any problems.
It is known that from September to November 2022, a stolen Ukrainian tank car made 4 flights from Russia to Lithuania with a cargo of Anhydrous Liquefied Ammonia. Together with other groups of wagons, the tank car was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation in March 2022 from the Sumy region. The Russians did not re-register the wagons, did not change the owner, and did not assign new numbers to the wagons.