In Moscow, in the Meshchansky District Court, after the verdict was passed on politician Ilya Yashin, four people were detained. It is reported by "OVD-Info".
One of the detainees, Andrei Zhvakin, said that he was detained after applauding in the courthouse.
In addition to Zhvakin, bailiffs detained Sergei Morar, Natalia Timasheva and another person. All the detainees were released from the court with protocols under the article on non-execution of the order of the bailiff (part 2 of article 17.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
Today, the Meshchansky District Court sentenced Yashin to 8.5 years in a penal colony. The reason for initiating a criminal case was Yashin's stream about the crimes of the Russian military in Bucha, which he hosted on YouTube in April.
The prosecutor insisted on 9 years in prison, and they also wanted to ban the politician from using the Internet for several years after serving his term.