Roskomnadzor blocked the website of the Verified.Media project, which checks the accuracy of news. This was announced by its editor-in-chief Ilya Ber.
“Well, what! Congratulate our first and only fact-checking resource “Provereno.Media” in RuNet with official recognition from the Russian state,” he wrote on his Facebook page. Ber believes that the site was blocked at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office. The RKN universal service states that access to is limited, but without explanation.
After the start of the war against Ukraine in Russia, almost all independent media were blocked. So, The Insider, Radio Liberty, Current Time, Krym.Realii, Voice of America, New Times,, DOXA, Echo of Moscow, Rain, " Medusa" and others. Most of them are disseminated by the Russian authorities in the distribution of "fakes" about the war and "discredit" of the Russian army. Read our material on how to bypass blocking if you are in Russia.