The Federal Air Transport Agency is being searched in connection with a criminal case initiated on the fact of embezzlement of unused budget funds. Documents are being retrieved. This is reported by the Telegram channel "Aviatorshchina" with reference to sources. According to the channel, more than a dozen employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived with a search on the morning of December 26 at the central office of the agency on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow.
One of the two sources of "Aviatorshchina" said that the searches were carried out at the following officials:
- Tatyana Kocherova, Head of the Department for Digital Transformation and Provision;
- Head of the Department of Legal Support and Property Relations Anna Pasko;
- Head of the Department of Financial Support, Budget Planning and Reporting Elena Kudlaeva.
The criminal case may be related to the theft of budget funds that were allocated to subsidize interregional flights, the authors of the channel write.
Another scandal in Rosaviatsia is also connected with Tatyana Kocherova – 27-year-old ex-assistant to the head of the agency Alexander Neradko was appointed to the post of head of the department actually responsible for the cybersecurity of Rosaviatsia. At the same time, she does not have a specialized education, she is a clerk. On November 12, it became known that due to the appointment of Kocherova, Deputy Prosecutor General Nikolai Vinnichenko made a presentation to the Minister of Transport Vitaly Savelyev.
This is not the first order that the Prosecutor General's Office issues because of Kocherova. In September, Neradko was demanded directly from Neradko to eliminate the violation, that is, to dismiss Kocherova – he did not eliminate anything, so now the Minister of Transport is being reprimanded. According to the law, a month is given to eliminate violations.